Please click on the Troubleshooting button at the top of the page. You will answer some questions that will guide you to troubleshoot the issue.
No, the chromebook will be capable for the students to do their work.
No, students are not allowed to bring their own devices to school.
With certain applications, students can work offline (without internet access). Google Docs is an application that students can use and work offline. Please look at the resource, "Working offline" for more information.
If you do not have internet access at home, it is possible to either come to school early, stay after school, or work at a public library or another site with accessible wifi. Students may be able to do certain tasks offline.
The student and the parent/guardian may be responsible for damages. Please use the troubleshooting link above to access the D70 Help Center. For approximate costs for damages, see the next FAQ
The approximate costs are
Replacement Item | Lunch Status | Price |
Chromebook Screen | Paid Lunch | $48.00 |
Chromebook Screen | Reduced Lunch | $19.00 |
Chromebook Screen | Free Lunch | $17.00 |
Chromebook Keyboard | Paid Lunch | $19.00 |
Chromebook Keyboard | Reduced Lunch | $7.50 |
Chromebook Keyboard | Free Lunch | $4.75 |
Chromebook Ac Adapter | Paid Lunch | $19.00 |
Chromebook Ac Adapter | Reduced Lunch | $7.50 |
Chromebook Ac Adapter | Free Lunch | $4.75 |
Yes, you can clean up your folders and delete items at the end of the year you don't need. However, do not delete the folder called Classroom or the folders in it. This works with an application we use in the classroom and should never be moved or tampered with. At the end of the year, the folders inside can be deleted if you don't want the work but the classroom folder should be kept intact.
6th Grades will receive a Dell 11" Chromebook Model: