Digital Citizenship Resources
To live in our modern society, we need to become responsible digital citizens. Being a digital citizen is a critical skill for our students of today and our leaders of tomorrow.
Five competencies of digital citizenship:
Five competencies of digital citizenship:
- Inclusive: I am open to hearing and respectfully recognizing multiple viewpoints, and I engage with others online with respect and empathy.
- Informed: I evaluate the accuracy, perspective, and validity of digital media and social posts.
- Engaged: I use technology and digital channels for civic engagement, to solve problems and be a force for good in both physical and virtual communities.
- Balanced: I make informed decisions about how to prioritize my time and activities online and off.
- Alert: I am aware of my online actions, and know how to be safe and create safe spaces for others online.
CommonSense Media - a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of kids and families by providing the trustworthy information, education, and independent voice they need to thrive in the 21st century. Common Sense Media provides cyber-education and support for parents, educators and students; online safety, security, bullying, relationships, digital footprint and more; reviews of movies, video games, TV, books, apps, games, websites and more.
CyberWise - Online safety & digitial citizenship and literacy info for parents & teachers.
ParentGuides for ConnectSafely - A growing collection of clearly written guidebooks that demystify apps, services and platforms popular with kids and teens.-